Healthy Outcomes through Prevention and Early Support (HOPES)
Providing caregivers with nurturing home-based parenting education and easy access to community resources through strategic assessment of families’ needs. The goal of the HOPES program is to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect by increasing family protective factors and decreasing risk factors.
Parents with children 0-5 years
Cities Served
- Big Country Regional Service Area
- Coastal Bend Regional Service Area
- Rio Grande Valley Regional Service Area-Harlingen
Counties Served
- Aransas
- Archer
- Baylor
- Bee
- Brown
- Callahan
- Cameron
- Clay
- Coleman
- Comanche
- Cottle
- Eastland
- Fisher
- Foard
- Hardeman
- Haskell
- Jack
- Jones
- Kent
- Knox
- Live Oak
- Mitchell
- Montague
- Nolan
- Runnels
- Scurry
- Shackelford
- Stephens
- Stonewell
- Taylor
- Throckmorton
- Wichita
- Wilbarger
- Willacy
- Young